Thursday, December 29, 2011


Most of you know by now that the Atwoods are expecting another little one. We are SMITTEN again!! We found out in October and have been over the moon. We had been praying and asking God for this miracle, soon after we lost Chai. God was so gracious to answer our prayers. He gave us time to heal, re-situate our lives back in TN and start a church plant. His timing is always better than mine...of course.

Since finding out we were pregnant, it has been a whirlwind. I have been horribly sick for 7 weeks now, with some good days mixed in there. Trev has been amazing. He has been so helpful with taking care of the kids, the house, the meals, whatever is needed. On top of that leading a church and doing that well.

We knew after our pregnancy with Chai, that my body would have a hard time carrying past 21 weeks. Last time we made it to 27 weeks. So we immediatly found a high risk practice with Vanderbilt and were quickly referred into there MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine) group. They set us up quickly with a doctor.

Side note: Dr. Fortner (my doctor) walked in with a Duke landyard on and hails from Duke's MFM, which is the practice we were with in Durham. She was not our Dr, but she worked with all the doctors we saw during our time and the doctor who delivered Chai. Such an awesome answer to prayers asked many, many months before.

Because Dr. Fortner knew the doctor who delivered Chai, she was very comfortable moving forward with Dr Ransom's (Doc who delivered Chai) recommendation to surgically put a cerclage in my cervix at week 12-14.

So, two weeks ago at 12 weeks, we went to Vanderbilt and Dr. Fortner put a cerclage in. This comes with its risk, but they far outweigh the alternative, which is do nothing and see if it holds. Been there done that, no thank you. We will go back in a week to have an ultrasound to see how the stitch looks, if it is holding, etc. Then we begin serial ultrasounds from there. I am nervous with every twinge of pain, every unknown discomfort, basically everything I have NO control over. It is a daily battle to keep my mind on the promises of God and trust Him fully. Chai's death made me fully aware that I/we are not immune to the curse of sin and brokenness. BUT, I have every confidience that God desires life over death. I pray His will be done.

We find out in just a few short weeks, maybe next week, if the tech will sneak a peek (I am not above asking), if its a boy or girl. We have names, which we will share once we know for sure. Trev and many others are convinced its a girl, because of the horrible morning (or ALL day) sickness I've had. The boys also are hoping for a girl. They think I'm outnumbered and a little girl would help. They are sweet and oh-so-excited about this little person. I'm am content with either. But I wanna know NOW!! I love being able to call our baby by name.

Hopefully check back soon for those all-too-exciting belly bump pictures. I cant wait to show him/her off!!

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